Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Girl on the Block!

I can't tell you how excited I am to have this girl be a part of my team! I met Kalli about a year ago at our old church and we hit it off and bonded over our pregnancy. We have been friends all year but have recently become extremely close. We are constantly laughing, sharing experiences with our growing 5 and 6 month old baby boys and are always talking about life, our dreams and our passion for our maker, Jesus Christ. She is a huge encouragment to my life. I never expected to be this close and can honestly say she is one of my best friends. Make sure you check out the video at the bottom of the page that fills you in on what Kalli will be doing for boldboudoir!






There is a reason we're photographers and not videographers! Please excuse our ghostly, slightly cross eyed goofiness in this lil video we put together for you! =D

Monday, January 17, 2011



Hot Mama Session!

I recently had the privilege to do a Hot Mama Session for my "big sis" Ginamarie. I have known Ginamarie since I was 16. When I was younger I babysat her kids at church and at their home. Ginamarie is a mom to 7, with baby number 8 on the way!!! Can you believe it?? Doesn't she just look fabulous? Not only 7 kids.... 7 beautiful girls. Over the years our friendship as women has grown into a friendship. She was there for me in some big hardships, fun times, my pregnancy and also the birth of my son. She called me one day to excitedly tell me "I figured out what our relationship is!! I'm not like your mom... but I'm not just a friend. I'm your big sister!!!" It was really cute.

I was so excited about how these photos turned out. Ginamarie shared with me the day of her shoot that she had been feeling a little down. I literally saw her come alive as I showed her the images that day. She later text me and told me how much it helped lift her spirits to have beautiful photos taken of her. That made my heart glad! That is what I love to do! Especially being pregnant (I've been there) it can make you feel not so hot at times. I'm so glad she felt beautiful that day and has these special photos to remind her. Because let's be honest... she is gorgeous! These are just a few glamorous belly shots from that shoot. Love you sis!



